Be Informed

The Edith Sanford Breast Center offers a variety of educational resources to help you better understand your breast diagnosis and treatment. Select a topic below to learn more about different conditions, treatments and tests.

Call (855) 353-3484 to learn more.

Patient Education Documents

Prevention and Detection

Atypical Hyperplasia

These are abnormal changes to the cells in the breast that do not yet qualify as cancer.

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Breast Calcifications

Calcifications are tiny deposits of calcium that form in breast tissue.

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Breast Density

Breast density is a way of describing the types of breast tissue.

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Breast Lumps

There are many reasons you might develop a lump in your breast.

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Breast Pain

Breast pain and tenderness are very common in women.

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Genetic Counseling and Breast Cancer

Genetic testing is most often performed for individuals with an increased chance of having a hereditary cancer gene.

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Understanding Fibroadenoma

A fibroadenoma is a type of tumor that is not cancer.

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Screening and Diagnosis

About Breast Biopsy

This is a procedure where a sample of tissue is taken from your breast and sent to a lab for further testing.

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Before Breast Biopsy

These instructions and details can help you prepare for your breast biopsy.

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Breast Hematoma

A hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin that sometimes occurs after a breast biopsy.

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Breast Ultrasound

Usually done with a mammogram, this exam shows the difference between fluid and solid parts of the breast.

Learn More About Breast Ultrasounds

Learn About ABUS Automatic Breast Ultrasound System

Contrast Mammography


Mammography helps find problems with your breasts, such as cysts or cancer.

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Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is where cancer cells form in the tissues of the breast. This booklet describes the types of breast cancers, the tests used to detect this cancer, and the different treatment options available.

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Breast Surgery

Learn more about different breast surgery options that are available. Your surgeon and health care team will help you make the best decisions for you and your situation.

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Sexual Health During Treatment

Breast cancer can change how you feel about sex and closeness with your partner.

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Resources for Men


Gynecomastia, or large male breasts, can happen in one or both breasts.

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Male Breast Cancer

All people are born with breast cells and tissue; which means men are also at risk for breast cancer.

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Additional Resources

Get Involved

Learn the many ways you can get involved.

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